Tuesday 6 May 2008


Sound Ears

The Commission is a summary of the high points of three Visions that connect one to the other.
Go liberate my people
Teach them how to worship
Teach them to believe in me
Lifting up their lives in praise and worship
Deliver their destinies to them
Build me a people.

Our Mission is

To build a city full of light
A city without pains, sickness, poverty or hate
Buying with penury,
A place to discover gold


To liberate the total man,
By the preaching of the gospel of liberty
Through capacity building and capacity utilization,
To empower the total man economically, socially and spiritually.
God bless you as you log onto this bloc to discover what God has for you

Victor Churchill

1 comment:

david santos said...

Thanks for your posting and have a nice day.